The Tavares Chamber of Commerce is an economic development engine. Our mission is to advocate on behalf of businesses in Tavares and throughout Lake County creating greater opportunity for all.
Aflac - Linda King
- P.O. Box 936 Tavares FL 32778
- (352) 250-1141
- (352) 250-1141
- Send Email
- www.facebook.com/LKingSpecialist
Always open.
Driving Directions:
Mobile Office--I come to you!
About Us
Think about the last time you went to the ER or the doctor. Wouldn’t it be nice to have checks in the mailbox alongside the bills? Find out more about what the Aflac Duck can do for you!
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TEDx family
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under our wing
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioLinda KingI love helping people!
I helped the students of Lke County for nearly 40 years as a Spanish teacher at Tavares High and Lake-Sumter State College. Now I get people money when they need it most through Aflac.
What IS Aflac?
It’s different from health insurance because health insurance pays a portion of the doctor and hospital bills. Since 1955, Aflac has been providing money directly to people to spend as they choose when they are sick or injured.
Think about the last time you went to the ER or the doctor. Wouldn’t it be nice to have checks in the mailbox alongside the bills? Aflac is affordable, and pays you for checkups to stay well!
Aflac is a great benefit for employers to offer--no charge to the owner to make plans available for their people.
Let the Aflac Duck help you!
Linda KingAgent- Fax: (352) 250-1141
- Cell Phone: (352) 250-1141
- Send an Email
- P.O. Box 936 Tavares FL 32778
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